Preliminary Provisions:

 In accordance to the provisions of Article 26 (f) of the Law of the University of Science and Technology for the year 2007, the President of the University and the President of the Scientific Council approved the regulations set below; these regulations are called the Code of Conduct and Student Accounting for the year 2002 that amended for the year 2009 and works by it from the date of its signature.

Duties of the Students:

1. The student must behave in a manner consistent with the traditions and laws in the country and the general goals of the university.

2- Not to engage in disruptive activities such as pickets, organized gatherings, inciting and preventing students from studying or taking exams, noise, loudspeakers and anything that might obstruct the pursue of the study.

3- Respecting the values ​​of religion, respecting religions, beliefs and places of worship, and refraining from making anything harming it or others.

4-  Respect for teachers, staff and students.

5- Staying away from everything that threatens the security, health and safety of  the student or the security and safety of others.

6- Paying attention to the appropriate appearance and commitment to the decent uniform in the university facilities and during practicing any scientific, cultural, social and sports activities.

7- Attending of lectures, seminars and examinations in accordance with the regulations issued by the University.8. Respect all the laws and regulations governing the work of the university.

Positions of student irregularities and the responsibility of reporting it to the competent authorities:

  •  Misconduct of students during examinations and stated by the general regulations of examinations and shall be dealt according to the manner and mechanism stated in these regulations.
  • Misconduct in the hall lectures and the immediate reporting is the lecturer responsibility or the affected student.
  • Student misconduct on the University campus, saying and acting including cafeterias or rest areas, university buildings, yards and corridors, is the responsibility of student affairs cooperated with other commissioners to carry out this work by student affairs.

Investigation Committees:

1. The Dean of the Students’ Affairs, as required by the law, must establish committees for investigating serious charges cases and other charges to show the evidence before the Council meeting.

2 – The student may be suspended from the study until the completion of the investigation.

Some of the Penalties for Students Violations:

1. Payment of compensation in case of damage.

2. Temporary or permanent deprivation of participation in the scientific, cultural, social and sports activities of the university or the representation of the university in these activities.

3. Suspension and final warning.

4 – Temporary or permanent dismissal from the university.

 Composition of Accounting Boards:

1- The university president or vice president must establish accounting councils of the faculties for the serious charges of three members headed by the Dean of Students Affairs and the membership of the representative of the concerned faculty and a representative of the scientific affairs secretariat.

2. The Dean of the students must establish the accounting boards for the other charges under his presidency and the membership of the representative of the concerned faculty and the representative of the scientific affairs secretariat.

3. The discretionary authority should be established whether this offense is a serious violation or otherwise to the Dean of the Students Affairs.

Resumption of the decisions of the Accounting Boards:

1- The decisions of the Accounting Boards should be the final after the decision of the competent council.

2- The student should have the right to resume against the decision of the Accounting Council to the President of the University or his Vice-President within one week from the date of issuance of the penalty in case of the decision has been done

3 – By separating the student from the university or stopping him from studying, except for these two cases, the student may not resume the decision.

4-The President or Vice-President of the University should form a committee to consider the appeals raised and the decision should be a final decision.